Apologies to all who come looking for recipes. I've been remiss. It was actually a busy kitchen week. It began with a long Sunday afternoon cooking session that laid the foundation for the week's menues...
Stuffed cabbage, Stuffed peppers, Beef filled puff pastries, stuffed mushrooms, sauteed greens.
Today when my Mom asked what I had cooked today, she laughed when I said some really great oatmeal. Now I tell ya! It really WAS great.
Old Fashioned oats cooked in milk, with chopped walnuts, dried apricots, dried cranberries, golden grapes and coconut. I brought to a gentle boil and cooked for 5 minutes. I spooned into bowls and topped with a heart-healthy no trans-fat margarine, a splash of half and half and 1/2 sliced ripe banana. It was SO sweet and yummy, with no added sugar and very, very filling and nutritious, too!
So there! Just a couple of words about Aunt Melissa's kitchen.... Have a happy Saturday night. Later, homemade spaghetti sauce over pasta and maybe a science-fiction movie. Does life get better? Nahh... don't think so!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
It's Saturday Again
Yes, it's Saturday again... my favorite day of the week. My honey gave me "alone time" in the office. 
Now those of you not married might not appreciate the concept of "alone time". Being alone for many, many, oh I can't count them, many (34) years gave me the mistaken idea that I never wanted to be alone again. I've changed my mind, and for good reason, now that I consider it:
1) Life in cubicle-city 5 days per week,
2) sharing buses and trains with hundreds of people who sometimes bathe, sometimes don't, most often smell like garlic and stale cigarettes.... well, when one comes home from a 12 hour day of that... just an hour or so of alone-ness might be nice.
3) But if your home office is like ours, then, one must stow the keyboard before the other can open a file drawer. hmmm... confining to say the least...alone time just doesn't happen without careful planning and begging and well, it just doesn't happen!
I've been in the office totally and completely alone for almost two hours and let's just say I got so much done in the first 15 minutes that I felt totally justified in catching up on my favorite blogs and then making a post.
ahhhhhh..... Santana playing on the stereo, husband running errands, laundry in rotation.... all is right with the world. I even did housework. ..gottaREALLY be happy to do that. =)
I know, I know, it all sounds so weird! But being married still feels strange after 6 years. I tell ya, spend 34 years alone and then acclimate to sharing space with someone. It really doesn't matter how much in love you are... sharing space means never, ever being alone....
All I think I need is a couple of hours a week, but ahhh the peace. I never thought, for instance that I would want to live in the country, separated from civilization... too extreme. I'm a chatty, social-type. Farm girl would be is just too much.... But a few stolen moments? Ahhh... time to regroup and appreciate humanity again. There is nothing so glorious. (or required when you are casting on stitches for a complicated knit pattern. See beginnings of sweater upper left.)
Want the pattern?
I'm very excited. Skill level says Very Easy, but it will be my first attempt at cabling. Yarn used? See Feb. 16 blog. This is the Denim Silk. I've ripped and restarted this project about 15 times. Seriously. I think the results will be worth it, though. I like the way the stripes are playing out and really can't wait to get to the cables.
Okay, okay, back to my uninterrupted "office time". Husband will be home in an hour or two and I'll be wanting to chat again.
Have a happy Saturday.

Now those of you not married might not appreciate the concept of "alone time". Being alone for many, many, oh I can't count them, many (34) years gave me the mistaken idea that I never wanted to be alone again. I've changed my mind, and for good reason, now that I consider it:
1) Life in cubicle-city 5 days per week,
2) sharing buses and trains with hundreds of people who sometimes bathe, sometimes don't, most often smell like garlic and stale cigarettes.... well, when one comes home from a 12 hour day of that... just an hour or so of alone-ness might be nice.
3) But if your home office is like ours, then, one must stow the keyboard before the other can open a file drawer. hmmm... confining to say the least...alone time just doesn't happen without careful planning and begging and well, it just doesn't happen!
I've been in the office totally and completely alone for almost two hours and let's just say I got so much done in the first 15 minutes that I felt totally justified in catching up on my favorite blogs and then making a post.
ahhhhhh..... Santana playing on the stereo, husband running errands, laundry in rotation.... all is right with the world. I even did housework. ..gottaREALLY be happy to do that. =)
I know, I know, it all sounds so weird! But being married still feels strange after 6 years. I tell ya, spend 34 years alone and then acclimate to sharing space with someone. It really doesn't matter how much in love you are... sharing space means never, ever being alone....
All I think I need is a couple of hours a week, but ahhh the peace. I never thought, for instance that I would want to live in the country, separated from civilization... too extreme. I'm a chatty, social-type. Farm girl would be is just too much.... But a few stolen moments? Ahhh... time to regroup and appreciate humanity again. There is nothing so glorious. (or required when you are casting on stitches for a complicated knit pattern. See beginnings of sweater upper left.)
Want the pattern?
I'm very excited. Skill level says Very Easy, but it will be my first attempt at cabling. Yarn used? See Feb. 16 blog. This is the Denim Silk. I've ripped and restarted this project about 15 times. Seriously. I think the results will be worth it, though. I like the way the stripes are playing out and really can't wait to get to the cables.
Okay, okay, back to my uninterrupted "office time". Husband will be home in an hour or two and I'll be wanting to chat again.
Have a happy Saturday.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Hollywood Tour Guide (aka I love it when friends visit!)

Hello friends and family. We enjoyed a visit from my good friend Jeri this month. We hit all the sights, beginning with a walk around Union Station, yummy french dip sandwiches (the original, you know) from Philippe's.
Next we headed over to Hollywood to take photos with "Oscar"and realize that the last train leaves Hollywood/Highland shortly after 1am (oops).

Sunday afternoon found us enjoying the Gospel Brunch at House of Blues, Sunset Strip (always wonderful) followed by trinket shopping and a rush home to watch the Academy Awards from the comfort of our living room.

Monday we were delighted to find a really great bakery on the way to the Burbank oops, excuse me Bob Hope International Airport, named Portos Bakery. Yummy, was THAT every a great find! http://www.portosbakery.com/
And so ended a great 3 day weekend. Come back again soon, Jer!
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