Forget all the stress and bad news! I'm posting today to talk about some of my favorites.

This is one of my
favorite views on PCH 1. I don't see it on my daily commute, because it's a little further North; but I must say, my new drive to work is stunning. I've lived in LA for 13 years now, and for the first time I actually get to see the ocean every day I go to work. The drive over the mountain feels like I'm going camping (my favorite). I pass my favorite breakfast cafe (
Pat's Topanga Grill) and then minutes later I'm watching the sun rise across the Pacific. Lovely, lovely, indeed.
Favorite Commute: So what if money's tight, jobs are uncertain, the economy is in a tailspin, my
tiny 401K is disappearing before my eyes.... I can roll down the windows and smell the ocean before work. The great thing about commuting over a mountain with no cell phone or radio coverage? You guessed it, there are no distractions from the scenery and fresh air.
I'm very tempted now with the prospect of one day loading up the bicycle on the bike rack to take a bicycle ride on the beach at sunset. It's getting harder and harder to make it home in time to play tennis before dark (and we were just getting started!). Doesn't matter, October's still my favorite month of the year, shortening days or no.

This is me driving home. Sun is setting in my eyes and none of the other photos came out sharp, but that tiny patch of blue on the left side of my head is the ocean. Sitting in traffic, somehow doesn't bother me anymore. Go figure!

Continuing my list, here's one of my
favorite dogs. This little lady is my best friend's dog, Mandy. Mandy will soon be sporting a hot pink doggie sweater knitted by yours truly. Hopefully upon delivery we can both a) find better lighting and b)convince her to hold still for one split second so that you can see how pretty she looks in pink.

Okay, for my next to last
favorite thing from today..
at left is the apple pie I baked before church this morning...
It isn't the prettiest pie I've ever made by any stretch of the imagination, but it is plenty good. The great mystery is how, with only me and my husband in the house, somehow half of it is already gone. hmmm... ?
My next
favorite thing today will be singing practice tonight at church. That's always the high point of my week. This morning we sang "Thy Word" by Amy Grant. I love that song and every time I hear it or I read Psalms 119:105, I think of my Daddy. I was probably 6 years old, it was a Saturday night and I was completing my bible study homework for Sunday school the next day. My memory verse was Psalms 119:105 and it didn't make any sense at all to my 6 year old mind. Why do our feet need light? Don't we see with our eyes? It seemed very cryptic to me... so my sweet Daddy
took off his socks, rolled up his pant legs, picked up a lamp from the bedstand, turned off the overhead light and switched on the lamp, holding it just over his feet. I remember so clearly the image of his bare feet and the arch of light falling ahead and illuminating a path before him. In an act so simple, he brought this abstract thought to my 6 year old brain. I got it and I will ever be greatful for a Daddy who loves God and loved me enough to share God's word with me. Come to think of it, that story qualifies as one of my
favorite childhood memories.Last, and not nearly as sentimental, are some
favorite recipes we tried this week from a new magazine I picked up. (
Clean Eating). Recipes we've tried so far:
Veggie Rice and Cheese Supreme (p56)
Roasted Cauliflower, Leek & Garlic Soup (tasty)
Sweet & Sour Chard with pineapple (yum!)
Thai-Style Tofu & Noodles with Peanut Sauce (Oh my, now THIS was
my favorite!)
Garlic Sizzled Kale Saute (Good, but I can give you a better kale recipe, if you're interested)
Also tried this week was:
Spicy Peanut Noodles (give-away insert in
Vegetarian Times).
Up this next week will be: Butternut Squash & Potato Curry (p.50 Clean Eating).
Okay, I really have to run because practice is beginning soon, but before I leave, I have to mention my
favorite sweater pattern in this month's
Vogue Knitting. It's on page 74! Or, follow the link
here and it's halfway down the page... top row of sweaters... the one on the right.... Gorgeous!

Wait, maybe I can give you a link directly
there. Okay, now I 'm running late.
Until next time: Enjoy
YOUR favorite things in October.
Aunt Melissa