Four (yes 4) hours later she is back in the 'hood shopping Barnes & Noble for an appropriate children's book to accompany a handmade baby gift for a baby shower. No worries. Who wanted to read about Network architectures and software (well, I did, actually, but never mind.)

TWO (yes, 2) pair of excellent shoes were purchased at the advertised price of 75% off. Now don't get me wrong... Aunt Melissa has shoes from Walmart in her closet, but she likes the $130 pair marked down to 75% off much better. Same price, better quality. Yes, we like this very much.

I settled on one of my favorite children's books "Time for Bed" by Mem Fox and wrapped it up with diapers and a pair of booties I somehow crocheted without a pattern. (The first one was easy. The trick was getting the second one to match. Ha!)
What? No knitted item, you might ask? I know! I picked up the knitting needles yesterday and they just weren't speaking to me. I had to answer the baby gift call with my crochet hook instead. It's okay. The basket-weave baby sweater will be completed some day. (Katy, maybe for you?) =)
Have a most excellent rest of the weekend. Aunt Melissa's kitchen is closed.
Aunt Melissa