Ah yes, who knew that Grad school, work and a 70 mile round trip commute would impede regular blogging.... Or wait, perhaps the true villain is Facebook and silly Zynga games on Facebook.
Needless to say, knitting and blogging have suffered, but the good news is I'll have finished an MISM (Master's in Information Systems Management) with a concentration in Project Management by June 2010.
Other developments:
I LOVE my 2010 Mini Cooper Hardtop. 34.1 mpg, amazing accelleration, phenomenal cornering and unlimited cuteness....
I'm just sick about the Supreme Court's ruling last week and I'm convinced our Democracy is now ancient history. As a lovely friend and family member commented on my Facebook page... "Government OF the $, BY the $, FOR the $. ( I agree, Tiff)
Dinner tonight:
Seasoned pork in the crock pot and roasted assorted vegetables. Nothing noteworthy, but healthy, tasty.
Take care and please make it a point to become involved in our Democracy. We need you!
Aunt Melissa