Few things are simpler or more satisfying than homemade tortillas. How can simple flour, oil, water and salt be so satisfying to make into these humble disks, and even more fun to fill and eat???
3 cups all-purpose flour
1/3 cup oil (I use olive oil)
about 3/4 cup warm water
1 teaspoon salt
Combine flour and oil using mixer whisk or a fork (or even hands) until crumbly and well dispersed. Combine salt with water and slowly add, mixing with fork or hands until dough forms into a ball.
Knead for a few minutes until dough is smooth and elastic. Cover with a damp cloth and allow to rest for 1/2 hour or more.
Divide dough into 10 or 12 balls the size of a golf ball (or slightly larger). Place on floured pastry cloth or floured board and flatten with skillet or tortilla press, then roll to desired size.
Heat griddle. Once griddle is hot, the tortillas only take about 1/2 minute to cook on each side. (The first tortilla, for me, always takes a few minutes total cooking time, but after the first has browned, each subsequent tortilla consistently takes about 30 seconds on each side.)
If bubbles puff up, simply flatten with spatula.
Fill with your favorite fillings.
Refried Black Beans:
Rinse and Soak black beans for 4-8 hours
- 2 - Drain original water
- 3 - place in crock pot and cover with fresh water (don't add too much liquid because using this cooking method, you will not lose a lot of water to evaporation.)
- 4 - add one spoonful of "Better than bouillon" beef bouillon

Aunt Melissa