Lynn Moore
a/k/a Floyd Moore
Brother I never Had
Remembering the People, Places and Things Lynn (Floyd) Loved, in no particular order:
Jeremy, Lindsay and those beautiful adorable grandbabies
The Blues
The Ocean
Playing the Dobro
The camp at the Beach
Playing guitar
Recording and Mixing
His Mac
The house he grew up in
Music, music, music
The Longhorns
The Oilers
a good joke
Oh how he loved a good laugh
All of his amazing and loyal friends that I haven't met yet
Peanut Butter Sandwiches washed down with gallons of milk
anyfish, especially hanging off a his line
pretty girls
just hangin'
chatting with friends online
did I mention the Blues?
It's good to remember the things that Floyd loved today, because, well maybe it's because he was my extra special cuz, but when I thought of Floyd, I only thought of love. He never complained to me. He only showed his love for me, his baby cousin who looked up to him like a brother. He loved his family, his grandma and grandad. Even though there were lines wrapped around the sidewalks in Sweden waiting to hear him play the blues and fans treating him like a rock star, his family meant everything to him and he chose to stay close enough to Port Arthur to be there and check on my Uncle Orin and Aunt Bo, his extra-special grandparents who raised him. He was loyal to friends and family. He loved his Aunt Chuck and Uncle Mac and Aunt Bunchy and Marjorie and all of the cousins. If he loved you, and chances are, if you were in his life, he did, then you know he was a big giant teddy bear with the warmest hugs made by man.
I'm not making him out to be perfect or anything he wasn't. He did what he pleased and didn't hurt anyone. He was loving and gentle and at the same time made his own way. He didn't force his ways on anyone yet maintained his own ground.
He will be remembered and missed and thought fondly of for the rest of my days. My comfort in this sad time for those of us left behind is the hope that as he crossed to the other side, he was greeted by his beautiful and sweet mother that he hadn't seen since a small, small boy, his faithful dog Irene, Aunt Bo, Uncle Oren, Mommo and Pap.
Now. Sad stuff aside. Here's some other stuff I remember:
I'll always remember my move to LA. Lynn offered to drive me and Buddy to California on the condition that if I ever changed my mind, I'd pick up the phone and he would come and bring me back to Texas. I spent a fun night with Lynn and Tiffany at her house in Austin and then we hit the road. There wasn't much space in the cab of that U-haul. Lynn drove, Buddy sat right in the middle of the cab and I was holding up the passenger side. Along about 10pm I started pointing out hotels. Lynn would say, "let's go a little farther". Just a little farther.... We stopped in El Paso to give Buddy a chance to whiz. Poor dog couldn't find a blade of grass and jumped right back into the truck. You see, I had budgeted the cash to spend two nights in hotels... but NOOOOOO... With Lynn behind the wheel we made it from San Antonio to LA in 23 1/2 hours. We arrived so early that my landlord couldn't be found and we had to wait a day to claim my new apartment. We searched around and after a few tries finally found a hotel that would take us along with the dog, grabbed a long-awaited night's sleep and headed to Sunset. We had lunch at the House of Blues and fun was had by all (well, Buddy didn't enjoy it, but he was in the car). Lynn was right, of course. It was more fun spending the hotel money on good food and being entertained by live music at the House of Blues than it would have been to grab a few winks in a less than opulent motel off the I-10.
Love you Cuz!
Tiffany, I love you like a sister, too. We will always and forever be adopted sisters and friends. I don't know anyone more loving and giving and cheerful and amazing than you and I'm so thankful you two had each other! You have my undying respect and devotion.
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