Big trek to Simi Valley yesterday to pick up additional hardware for closet project.
Not much time for cooking, so grilled salami & Provolone with a cup of tomato soup. No doubt, our cholesterol is off the charts today.....hopefully the evening meal of vegetarian spinach curry made up for this lazy little culinary indulgence.

Regular: 3.67/gal
Mid grade: 3.77/gal
Premium: 3.87/gal
Diesel: 4.29/gal
This station is in the middle of the San Fernando Valley. It isn't next to a tourist trap (I've noticed before, for instance, that gasoline next to Universal City Walk/Universal Station is sometimes a nickel more than on the corner by my home.)
Hmm... This does make me wonder when the same tax breaks and incentives given to the oil companies will be extended to alternative energies.
And why can't I buy an electric car? !?!

My friend Jyhoti described to me how to make a traditional Indian Curry and I've tried and tried the last 3 years to do so with varying degree of success. By now, I've completely forgotten her instructions, but I WILL say that last night was the first time Uncle asked for seconds AND complimented me on this particular effort.
ADDED COMMENT 4 - 18 2008 - My wonderful friend from India warns that the following combination should eaten only rarely. Conventional wisdom says that combining spinach and tomatoes might contribute to kidney stones. I cannot confirm, but sincerely would want no one to suffer ill effects!
Aunt Melissa's (1st successful) Spinach Curry:
2 bunches fresh spinach leaves
Olive Oil
1 Large chopped onion
1 jalapeño pepper seeded and chopped
1 t. mustard seed
1 heaping teaspoon of minced garlic (approx 3 large cloves)
1 t. minced fresh ginger
2 T. (heaping) Garam Masala
2 t. curry powder (yellow)
2 t. cumin (aka comino)
8 oz. can tomato sauce (Perhaps this might be deleted... See note above)
2-3 t. sugar
Prepared Rice
- Begin by cleaning the kitchen sink. Place the fresh spinach in the sink and fill with water, agitating occasionally. Drain the water and fill again. I do this alternately with beginning the rest of the process. It takes 3 or 4 sinks full of water to properly clean fresh spinach, as it carries much sand (similar to washing fresh leeks.)
- Wash and Prepare your favorite rice according to package directions. (I prefer Basmati or some such long grain rice with curries.)
- Place a Dutch Oven or similar deep pot over a medium flame and begin heating. (Swish the spinach and return).
- Liberally add olive oil to the bottom of the heated Dutch Oven. I say liberally because we will be adding many spices that will cook in this oil and we don't want any sticking to the pan.
- Chop the onion and add to heated oil, cooking until transparent.
- While onion cooking, seed a medium size chili (jalapeño) pepper, chop and add to the onion and oil, giving everything a stir.
- Add the garlic and ginger, stirring well
- Add perhaps 1 heaping T. of Garam Masala and stir.
- Add Cumin and continue stirring for a short time (cooking spices in oil is a technique often used in Indian cooking to release the flavor).
- Salt somewhat liberally at this point.
- Add 8 oz. tomato sauce and 2-3 t. sugar, stirring well.
- Rinse Spinach leaves for the final time and remove from stems.
- Lower the heat and add Spinach leaves to the pot, stirring well, and cover.
- Taste and add additional Salt, if necessary prior to Serving.
- Serve over rice.
Happy Curry Everyone!
Aunt Melissa
Re. the fuel prices, it would be in my interest if could there was an easily affordable electric car today.