The economy's bad. My client companies are facing challenges (like so many are just now). It's probably the worst time in the world to adopt a new family member, but look at those eyes!
They call him "Bashful" at LA Animal Services West Valley shelter and I don't know how he'll feel about it when we get him home, but I'm thinking Bashful Bob will be the first name we suggest when he joins our family on Monday.
If you know me, you know I've been heartsick for almost six years after losing my best friend Buddy, faithful sidekick and loving companion of 16 years... And I've been reticent to bring anyone else home. I'm torn between wanting another fearlessly faithful and protective guard-dog companion and a sweet and loving lapdog that just wants to cuddle on the couch while I knit and watch movies. I'm TOTALLY in love with my best friend Katerina's sweetheart of a poodle, Mandy and think think perhaps a female poodle might be the way to go.... then I remember how much I loved the long walks with Buddy and the great feeling of security knowing that he would protect me to the ends of his life and abilities. As a matter of fact, I haven't slept soundly since he's been gone. Knowing that he was ever vigilant and listening for intruders (and even though he would bark in his sleep and make rustling sounds and jingle his little collar in the middle of the night) I would always sleep soundly, secure in the fact that if anyone tried to enter my home we would attack with a vengeance and warn us out of sleep to be prepared before anyone could possibly make it to the bedroom.
I've been afraid to open my heart to another canine companion. And after the job full of hope and security turned into crazy land last Christmas and I found myself starting over again I've been too cautious to adopt a new family member. I've been looking and looking and subscribing to emails and trolling all the adoption sites in hopes that one sweet angel would tug at my heartstrings and beg to come home to be part of our little family.
Bashful (Bob) has a beautiful shiny black coat! His face and body scream "I'm a Labrador Retriever", but his little legs betray the fact that one of his parents was definitely a Beagle. He's shorter than a Lab and larger than a Beagle and weighs about 43 pounds. He was very patient with his suite-mate who was jumping and barking for attention. Bashful (Bob maybe) was sleeping, then patient and only slightly interested in me when we took him into the visiting room. It took him a little while to warm up. At first I didn't think he was interested in me as a friend at all. But I sat patiently and waited for him to be unafraid, and then I asked to hold the leash. He didn't seem to mind when I led him to the other corner of the room and easily followed me around for a while. When I sat again, he sniffed the back of my knee and then laid his little head against my leg. He seemed to become noticeably more at ease and relaxed when I stroked his head and spoke to him gently.
I don't know how he'll be at home and whether he will like my husband or not. I don't know how he'll react to a man. In the beginning, he balked at being on the leash for the gentlemen shelter worker, but after he warmed to me and we sat for a while talking together Bob then went over to the shelter worker and became friendly with him, too. He was found on the street and labeled "Shy" with a warning that shy dogs sometimes snap when threatened.. but he seemed nothing but sweet and docile with me, so I'm hoping he likes it here and we can become great friends.
Bob (if he accepts this name, only time will tell) will go to the Vet on Monday and have sterilization surgery and I should be able to pick him up and bring him home sometime in the afternoon. Then will come the real test, but I'm looking forward to a long holiday weekend to get acquainted. LA Animal Services gives adoptive parents 10 days as a test run. If Bob isn't happy here in our home or if for some reason things just don't work out, we can take him back and allowed 30 days to find another adoptee who is happy in our home.
I hope Bob likes it here and we all get along. My heart has longed for new puppy love for a very long time. My husband doesn't mind dogs, and since I'm clearly the one obsessed with them really only cares that I find one that I love.
Fingers are crossed and we are nervously hopeful that Bashful Bob loves us and we love having him here, too.
Have you ever had a "Car Crush"? I'm notorious for them!
A few years ago, my heart leapt every time I saw a Volkswagen Passat. I wanted a silver one, with black interior. They look so sophisticated! Clean lines, fuel efficient! I think I would look really good in one! But I held my yearnings in check and continued to drive my fully owned (yes, completely paid for) Mercury Mystique. Next came my Toyota Prius crush. Oh how I loved the totally different look! And 50 mpg! Wow! Cute, roomy AND good for the environment. That crush lasted about 2 years.
Until I saw the Mini Cooper!

What is it about this little car that makes me want to follow it and take photos during my morning commute? Why do I dream about the way it will feel turning tight corners and accelerating with the power of a mini-race car? Fuel Efficient??? Well, not so much, really, but in 2009 an electric version is due for release.
The Clubman might be just the answer for our expanding family (err... if Bob wants to stay with us) large enough to carry both dog and telescopes hopefully? =)
Here's to hoping the economy gets MUCH much better, BOTH adults in our household find security in interesting and stable jobs and perhaps a new car drives into our garage.
Perhaps I'm overly optimistic. Sadly, most often I'm overly concerned. But there is one promise I hold onto:
Phillipians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Be optimistic. Be strong. Have hope for tomorrow.
Have a very happy weekend!
Aunt Melissa
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